A downloadable game for Windows

Original release: 21/05/2015

Cubix it's a game made by Ofihombre. It tries of that you have to tread on all the soils of the tower and to turn them into blue (similar that Q*bert) to be able to happen from level and avoid the obstacles.


Cubix (Fixed Version).zip 2.3 MB
GM-Cubix.zip 2.5 MB

Install instructions

1. You needed a Windows or ReactOS computer with mouse and keyboard to download and to play (If you downloaded by mistake in Android, try using Winlator, Virtual machines or similar).

2. Unzip the file with WinRar, 7zip, etc.

3. Don't try to download in Firefox, because it is blocked from downloading games without monetization.


  • Left/A button: Left move
  • Rigth/D button: Rigth move
  • Up/W button: Jump
  • Enter: Pause the game

Development log