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Eng: Randy & Manilla is a game in which we discover a mysterious quantum cyber-universe hosted by Net-Cubes that contain virtual worlds with several game genres. A strange kind of virtual environment with the inspiration of Wreck-It Ralph in a later post-apocalyptic era to Ready Player One.

Esp: Randy y Manilla es un juego en el que descubriremos un misterioso ciber-universo cuántico repleto de Net-Cubes que contienen mundos virtuales con varios géneros de juegos. Una extraña especie de entorno virtual con inspiración a Rompe-Ralph en una época post-apocalíptica posterior a Ready Player One.

In the year 2142, among the mysteries of the quantum supercomputer created by Lambert Wilson, there is a cyber-universe packed with brightly colored cubes called Net-Cubes. Within them, fantastic virtual worlds of pixelated and abstract structures await. It is free from threats like hackers, cyber-spies and corporate and government organizations. But that doesn't mean that they don’t hold their own dangers; such as the villain of the red Net-Cube: Cracksom Virus. This dominant virus is putting all Net-Cubes in danger of being permanently deleted, so he can expand his empire of computing corruption to the real world, abandoned by humans.

Meanwhile, a messaging algorithm called E-Mailer arrives at the world of Bloxland Qubitown, Randy and Manilla’s home, giving them an urgent warning: the entire cyber-universe is in grave danger of being destroyed by Cracksom. He knows that they are the only ones who can stop his great threat. Moreover, according to the mayor Blue Quantáramo, our heroes hold a hidden programming and power that prevents them from being corrupted by Cracksom himself. And so, they accept the mission to embark on a great adventure through all the different Net-Cubes. E-Mailer will also come along and open portals so our heroes can access the new worlds.


  • Play levels of several game genres (platformer, arcade, racing, etc.)
  • Play as Randy or Manilla to travelling of the Net-Cubes

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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Randy & Manilla - Early Access 2.1 GB

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Randy & Manilla - 2nd Beta Demo 928 MB
Randy & Manilla - Early Beta Demo 841 MB

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This game looks familiar...

Of course, Wreck-It Ralph was part of the inspiration for Randy & Manilla's game, and it is for three main reasons:

1. I used to upload Wreck-It Ralph fangames on itch.io before because of the huge fanaticism I had with the movie back then.

2. Even though I liked the movie, since it was about video games, it made me think the following: If WiR is a movie about videogames, wouldn't it have been better if their characters had debuted in video games from the beginning, and on top of that, without being made by Disney?

What I mean is that the problem with being a Disney IP is that only the original movie is good, and the sequel or the live-action remake doesn't come close to what made the first one great. And the spin-offs and merchandising are often not a worthy representation of the films (speaking after their promotion) nor are they coherent with their theme (especially when they overexploit too much the mix of their own characters from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, etc.), which in the case of Ralph would be bringing the games from the film (like Fix-It Felix Jr., Sugar Rush & Hero's Duty) to reality as part of sub-sagas for it instead of being simple promotions for it (but that will depend on what type of game works best).

3. And the most important and very related to point 2, the great disagreement I had with the sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet.
This is largely because I felt that more "affection" was given to the ohmydisney.com scene and Vanellope with the other princesses (specially for the simple fact that she is also a princess since she was revealed in the previous film) than to the rest of the film and its problems with breaking with what was established in the first one.

Now with the three points already mentioned, It was when in 2019 I finally dedicated the creation of Randy & Manilla, what supposedly for me should have been "Wreck-It Ralph".

However, during its 5 years of development, I have encountered too many problems and setbacks along the way for a game so ambitious for my level (both in terms of experience and economics), and having many references to the aforementioned movies, the reactions were mixed: Some liked the game's approach, but others also saw a serious lack of quality that could lead to legal problems (like Manilla for example, who has the base body of Vanellope).

That, combined with the huge oversaturation of games in the industry and the fact that it doesn't has a very competent quality, means that the game isn't having the impact it should have (although I didn't expect it to be that big, just "fairly").

Or it might be because I'm trying to fit into a model that doesn't work for the kind of project I'm proposing.

I don't know what else to say, maybe I'm the one with the altered perception of reality seeing Wreck-It Ralph as the strange missing piece for a complete video game representation (one in the style of Super Smash Bros. with trophies and spirits), but the truth is that it never seems to have been necessary for the industry to function very well (specially in a difficult time like the present)

Though at least thanks to that movie, several of the subsequent videogame movies have proven to be more than decent.

(1 edit)

After a long and gradual process of changes to the game page, I have finally decided to hide all the demos prior to the Early Beta so that future users don't have the feeling of an excess of options.

If you are one of those who missed those previous versions, don't worry, they can still be downloaded on IndieDB:

The controls instructions was moved on install instructions from download screen.

Hey, really like your game. awesome work. I am looking for indie creator games for a co-op bundle. If you would like to join us: Ultimate Elite Bundle Submissions - itch.io best regards & peace <3

I joined both jam & discord server. Thanks.

hey bundle is ready to be approved: https://itch.io/b/2512/ultimate-elite-bundle-complete-edition thanks for joining glad to have you on board, and please remember you need to be logged in to appprove, if you got any qustions feel free to ask

Hi there. Of course I am not a marketing expert, just some random commentor, but offputting to me are those things on your project page (note, even if you change them, it would not mean I would buy or want to buy or even want to play for free. it is just random thoughts.):

You have 7 different demo downloads. That confuses me and I have no patience to decypher which one is right for me. You mix zip and rar. You tagged indiegogo and kickstarter - is your game about kickstarter and indiegogo. Character design and style might pose a problem later for ip violations - you should ask a real lawyer specialised in such things. If there even is a slight chance, that the owners of the original ip can claim that your game resembles their's enough to be confused for some of their products, your project is doomed. The youtube video looks much more interesting than the rest of the description and the screenshots. At least the second part of the video, that runs after all the short attention span people already clicked on another video. You have typos in your description.

(3 edits)

I was thinking about hiding the alpha and pre-beta versions of the game before launching Early Access, since they were also released on IndieDB for those interested in the evolution of the project, but as I saw how they could be separated, I didn't see the need.

About Kickstarter & Indiegogo tags, it was because in 2019 I ran campaigns on both platforms, but they didn't work much, especially because I had no idea how to manage the campaign and that the game was in a very early stage of development. I guess I'll take them down because they are done a long time ago.

The idea behind Randy & Manilla was that it was a world inside a quantum computer and that the protagonists were cute and endearing, And I couldn't think of any other idea than the movie Wreck-It Ralph as a reference for the designs. The logo, Manilla and Venny Loopsuit and some references are especially noticeable.

I made some sketches of Manilla and Venny with designs similar to Vanellope, but without looking exact, and when I wanted to have the 3D models, I requested a modeler was a big fan of the movie and knew how to convey the style. That's why they look like it is, because they use the base design.

That's true, but even if the game has legally problematic designs and concepts, ultimately it wasn't intended to be sold as a game in the Wreck-It Ralph franchise. Palworld was also never intended to be sold as a Pokémon game, despite the obvious designs and capture and battle mechanics (Or so they said, and even so it had its controversies).

If there is no other option, some redesigns would have to be done, at least based on the 2D sprites, but the problem is that the entire game is made based on the already established models and means a lot of expense and months of time. The worst thing is that it can even lead to cancellation and moving on to another game.

What are the typographical errors you find in the description?

And about .zip & .rar it was because in the second beta it weighed more than a GB in .zip and I compressed it in .rar because it saved a little more memory.

It is just my perspective, of course, and I am not a lawyer. But it is not enough to not be the same. We are talking ip here and not copyright. That is trademarks, intellectual property. If you make a product, that has potential to be confused to be a product of the ip holder, you are screwed. And your game logo, character design and even the content of the game look an afwul lot like the stuff happening in wreck it ralph franchise.

So to me, investing in your game is lost money. I know, or rather am concerned, that it will be taken down. You are no longer treading in fan game territory. So make sure to be legally safe, before investing any more time in character models that might bite you in the back. Ask a professional, how bad it really is, and if there are ways to remedy the situation. Like disclaimers. Or subtle changes to certain elements. Clearly marking certain things as parody might help too. But ask people that know more about that legal stuff.

Read up, what happened to Sandtrix. That game had a different name once. It is the combination that makes it worse. To take three things: character model, the pixelated logo, the plot. Each in each own, might be ok, but in combination they might be seen as infringement.

Ant to say it again, all these were just observations. Do not take it too serious. But reading the thing with the different demo versions in comments, that already caused confusion. And if you try to go to steam, as the logo in the yt video implies, you might be denied, because of unclear legal status. Since you have no link to any wishlist me on steam page, I assume you are not at that point yet.

(5 edits)

For some reason I had problems showing it on reddit. The game logo itself was intended to be a reference to the movie logo, but if you look closely, it is not in an accurate enough font to be considered trademark infringement.

About characters designs, it would be problematic to some extent. The plot is the only thing that is completely different, as it doesn't follow the plot of either of both Wreck-It Ralph films. It isn't about a villain who wants to be the hero, but fails, or about a girl rejected from the race for being a glitch and who is secretly a princess. 

It's an adventure story about two kids who are chosen to defeat a robotic supervillain called Cracksom Virus (a cliché plot, but it's a template for many other stories).

Being sued just for a logo and several characters would be like judging a book by its cover, since it also has to go deeper by seeing everything the game contains before declaring infringement.

There is a phrase from a lawyer whose name I don't remember, but he said the following: It can't has a monopoly on styles, because otherwise the industry would have been frozen for years (all as long as it doesn't look too obvious).

And if you think he doesn't have any wishlists on Steam just because it seems too inspired, as of the date of this comment it reached 125.

but if you look closely, it is not in an accurate enough font to be considered trademark infringement

And you know that, because you asked an actual legal expert on this? If not, then your statement is just an unqualified opinion. The ip holder might have a different opinion. Also, as I said, they can make a case out of a combination of things, that would alone maybe not be enough to infringe.

If you are greenlit on steam, that might be a good sign, but why is there no link to be seen on your page? Also, steam giving green light is not a legal advise from them. They take down things for infringement often enough.

The youtube videos have the Steam link of the game. Should I also link it on itcho?

There are moments when they are sued for looking very similar without understanding the context of why it is so. Those who are very maximalists of IP and Copyright demand that everything be completely original without being based on anything previous, but the reality is that now originality is almost non-existent.

If we think deeply, almost all human art is based on influences, on things that have already been seen, or even works in the public domain or with a Creative Commons license. The copying is even incidental, and not necessarily intentional.

Going back to the lawsuits for similar character designs, I know another case in another game called "The Last Archwing", and the villain in design is like one from Dragon Ball, and until now the game wasn't deleted by a takedown from Toei Animation just because of that detail, because they haven't found out yet or that the game isn't successful.

Well, like that game, for me the demand will also be late, because generally trademark and copyright lawsuits from companies like Disney or Nintendo focus more on mascots, music, or the most profitable IPs of the moment  (in this case, by using Mickey Mouse, Star Wars or Marvel).

The last thing that occurs to me but at the same time useless, before that day, It is a comparison image that I made based on my research from watching both the movie and the game:


good modelling

Thanks, but when its new Early Access comes out, you'll see that it's even better (just a little at least).

wait a second, used Wreck-it ralph Vanellope model for the base of Manilla?

Yes, I had the character idea basing on Vanellope's design, but the model was made for me by a fan, and it's very noticeable on its base.

Liked the game. :)

Thanks, but I see you have given me a review. Have you downloaded and tried the game before for it?

Yes. I tried!

Ok, I suppose it must have been weeks before.

Made a video

Thanks, but you made wrong when downloading the version (you recorded the Early Beta). I recommend the most recent version, the 2nd Beta, which is a bit better.


I read almost all of your development log updates, and I can say that you have put a lot of work into this game. I hope this gets bigger than it is right now. Wish all the best.

Fun side fact: Your main color used here (PINK) is the same of the room that I recorded inside xD hahaha

Yes Lol. Thanks to play Randy & Manilla.


I played your game.

(4 edits) (+1)(-1)

Thanks Xanderwood. As I have seen his gameplay, you had problems with the controls and the camera, even you didn't know how to use the powers because you didn't go to the tutorial and you played in WASD.

Now I think it would be better for you to wait until a new updated version, That I have planned, I will have improved the controls, an easier handle camera (since I understand that it costs you very much to understand that you have to use the mouse to handle), and it will even be compatible with gamepad (specially from Xbox type), And you will notice that the game experience will be better than with a mouse and keyboard. But for now better wait a lot.

great art

(1 edit) (-2)

Thanks, but can you try the game before you say this?

I played your game after downloading the ohter version teir is a huge difference between them. The music is really nice and the rocket controller feels really smooth. However i still had the same problem everything still says coming soon and i couldn't find a level to play


There is a minimap in the upper right corner, it shows you the routes that take you to the Net-Cubes you should go.

I tried that but all the ones i managed to get too said coming soon 


Coming soon means they are Net-Cubes that are still to be developed. The one you must go carries a big arrow.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if something in 1-4 is broken or not but at the moment its a frustrating slog to playthrough. 
That first section when the time appears there is no indication how your are meant to proceed, I presume you have to kill all the enemies to lower the invisible barriers that stop you from leaving that area, however the tiny hit box of the first weapon and sluggish movement combined with constantly having to rotate the camera makes hitting the hopping block enemies unfairly difficult.
Also theres no way to regain health so if you accidently touch one while struggling to get the punch to connect then you have to just listen to the constant beeping until you die which makes it even more frustrating.

I pretty much had to stop playing after the 6-7 death because it was just iritating me that much.

(4 edits) (-2)

Hi, have you really played the game? Ok, I guess I think that to make invisible barriers disappear, is to have 3500 points of start before entering the time section, destroying all the bricks and collect all net-points possible (the yellow cubes) very fast, kill the infected terra-qubiters with fireball & avoid the hopping blocks on their path (that to kill them you have to a very good precision)

I plan to review the part of the countdown with a clear objective, and you can also zoom with the mouse wheel to get a better view.

Yes I really did play the game. Considering outside the stage ranking there was no previous example of the score having an effect I started ignoring the out of the way Net Points after the third death as Randy's sluggish movement made it tedious to
keep recollecting them.
Though I did discover I could collect them with fireballs which I'm not sure that was intended.

The the infected terra-qubiters are easy enough in to kill I was just struggling with the hopping blocks, as I found the camera often seemed to catch on various element and zoomed to so far that it was very difficult to aim combined with the short attack range.

A clear objective will really help in the next build as now I know what the requiresments are that should be easy to do, even a /3500 next to the score should suffice .
I would personally use something other than invisible barriers as initally it look like a glitch or a bug, perhaps shading them slightly and having an example of them in the next builds tutorial?

I want to say on a postive note that the music direction and sprite work in the game is excellent and is are favourite aspects of the game. I really want to see the other genres the game covers in the future even if I wasn't a fan of the Super Mario Land Style 3d section.


Your video is ready and available on YouTube.

I remind, that your game can go to the next stage, and get a full review with analysis, so don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

(1 edit) (-1)

Great, thanks for playing. Have you already seen my tips that I put on YouTube?


Of course, I already answered, thank you again ;)

que gran juego voy a subirlo en mi ranking top games Numero 5

(2 edits)

Bién, pero para eso tendrás que descargarlo primero, y probarlo en su versión más reciente (2º alfa). ¿O a lo mejor prefieres mejor esperar hasta que saque la próxima versión actualizada?

Y una pregunta ¿Como es tu top ranking de videojuegos?

(1 edit)

[Thank you]


Hi IAmPlayer, with what by that thread did you give me that rating? Ok, I'm sorry if you have been offended or misunderstood, but that wasn't my intention of this topic, my intention was to express my complaints to people who couldn't tell the difference between downloading Windows and Android programs, and I would honestly only ask you to analyze it before downloading a Windows/Mac program on an Android phone (which is what remote desktop or Geforce Now is for this).

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I have removed the comments easy to misinterpret from the thread (https://itch.io/t/206777/users-who-stupidly-download-pc-games-on-androidios?afte...). Can you already remove your rating without first playing?

Thank you my friend Ofihombre, I appreciate you doing this. I understand your complaint about the downloads but I just think blaming certain people or the situation of their countries was not fair. The rating has been removed, and I wish you good luck in your game development!


Well, Anyway, the mistakes are learned, but you can come back whenever you want and rate the game after having played + opinion included.

(1 edit)

Thank you brother for your friendliness and good attitude, I also have many things to improve about my own behaviour - hopefully even in these times around the world, people can come together in unity and brotherhood!

I will hopefully let you know my review of the game - I am also a fan of Wreck-it Ralph and the game seems very interesting & creative!

The latter seems to be the ideal, but sadly it is impossible if don't know the limits and the intermediate point.

And talking about Wreck-It Ralph fangames, they are relocated in a collection from my profile.

I understand this is probably your first game, one of many to come! i hope you can take constructive criticism, however well done for actually making a game as i've not even published any of the projects i've worked on because i'm too scared so i applaud

you for that! 

Hi KJW, thanks for play Randy & Manilla. My advice for when you are playing, I recommend that you put the cursor in the center to orient the ship and don't move away from the routes while I look for ways to improve the controls or signaling. And don't forget that in level 1-1 there is a big coin that if you receive the fire power (press X).

P.D: Randy & Manilla It's not really my first game.

Hello! I tried to play this game, but the instructions don't give me enough on what I need to do. Once there's a good enough tutorial that I can get to the first level, I will leave a review.

(2 edits) (+1)

Where is your problem? Still being the ship controls or turning the camera? In the levels there are interactive tutorials for the characters.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, I have a clue for you: For the Net-Cubes Worldmap, move the cursor to the center of the screen to orient and then smootly move to change direction.

Alright. I was able to get to the first level. It's awesome! The music, sounds, and feel were nice. I'm not sure if it's a bug, but at least in 1-1 you can't turn the camera, which lead to quite a few deaths. I'm not sure if it's intended, but it does feel a bit unfair, especially because if you get hit once you're dead.

This game has very good potential. Keep it up, and I look forward to playing more!


The camera turn when you are at the end of the level. It is because it's a level with perspective in Mario 3D Land/World style. Use fire by pressing X (There is a tutorial that even tells you).

(3 edits)

I am pressing X and there are no fireballs spawning. Did you forget give the player the thing that enables them to shoot fireballs?

Edit: Oh, I found it. Oops! There we go.

(1 edit) (+1)

You just had to follow the path indicated and you will have it in sight. If you found it unfair that the character only has one life, I will find a way to program a simple life system.

Una propuesta muy interesante. Es un poco lioso al encarar con la nave en el universo de los Net-Cubes pero la idea de tener un juego distinto en cada uno de ellos (un total de 10 sino recuerdo mal) está bien. Quizás delimitar un poco el universo para ir más derecho a los niveles que hay de muestra. Yo he encontrado dos: el plataformas 3D y otro de carreras por una pista.

(1 edit)

Hola, gracias por jugar la demo de Randy y Manilla, aunque si te resulta complicado manejar la nave, le recomiendo que vayas un poco más despacio, pon el cursor del ratón más al centro de la pantalla para mejor orientación y mire fijamente en la rutas (las lineas cianes) para encontrar las otras Net-Cubes con otros colores y nombres.

Me hubiera gustado verte como juegas desde un gameplay en Youtube, Twitch o en otra página.

Muchas gracias por responder!. Entonces, ¿Hay más mundos disponibles en esta alpha?. Es cierto que colocando el puntero en el centro de la pantalla la nave se estabiliza pero al entrar al juego gira automáticamente hacia donde esté apuntando el cursor.  Actualmente no puedo hacer streaming desde el pc pero estoy intentando solventarlo y, de conseguirlo, estaré encantado de probarlo en directo.

(2 edits)

Sí, están también Gamezone Cube (la Net-Cube azul a la izquierda de Terra-Qubit), Abstracia (la violeta muy por debajo de Wonder Race) y Blacksquare Qubit Battle (De verde oscuro que hay más hacia allá y detrás del rojo grande).

Y teniendo un inicio de juego perfecto me resultará muy dificil (a ver si lo intento), porque lo normal es que no podamos orientarnos a la primera, así que tampoco es conveniente mover mucho después de pulsar Start o Load Game (que es casi instantáneo).

Muchas gracias de nuevo por arrojar un poco de luz porque me había perdido por completo y no encontraba ninguno más. Es difícil seguir las lineas con tanto cubo brillante en pantalla. 

(1 edit)

Pero las que estén cerca de tí, serán las más fáciles de seguir (Quizá busque un modo de hacer las lineas más gruesas y vistosas).

P.D: Y en el universo, también es fácil perderse con tantas estrellas y galaxias, relativo.